Primary and secondary locations in which we operate strategically

In addition to Milan where the Group was born in 1977 and has its own production plant and headquarters, Rome (where the Group has had its offices since 2006) and Florence represent the primary locations in which the main construction sites managed by Coiver Group are located.

The direct presence in the Capital guarantees the Group - while still exploiting the organisational, engineering and production capabilities of the Milan headquarters - a strength and manufacturing competence unrivaled in Central Italy. This is put at the service of properties and institutional clients, as part of projects carried out as general contractors in real estate redevelopments in Rome (and in secondary locations) for offices, hotels and shopping malls, and of the most important Italian construction companies in the sector of large projects (dry construction systems) in Private and Public tenders.

The European Parliament headquarters and the Leonardo fit out in Via Laurentina in Rome, the new BNL-Bnp Paribas headquarters in Novoli (Florence) and the restylings of the Deutsche Bank headquarters and the PWC Tower in CityLife in Milan are some prestigious General Contracting projects recently acquired by the Group. The new Abb Innovation Center in Frosinone, the Sisal headquarters, the Prelios building in Piazzetta Morgagni, the fit out in Via Bianchini of Primonial Reim Italy Sgr and the Docplanner offices in the Centro Direzionale Argonauta in Rome and the TSH Lavagnini student residence in Florence are instead projects recently delivered.

Secondary locations for Coiver Group are the cities of Turin and Bologna. The restyling of the Iveco headquarters, the setting up of the Stone Hill student residence and the fit out of the Palazzo della Regione in Turin, as well as the Laude Living student housing in Bologna represent some of the opportunities that the Group has successfully.
