Perspective Europe Venice

The first Perspective edition for Coiver Group concluded yesterday. The event, organized by THE PLAN in the gorgeous setting of the Excelsior Hotel in Venice, saw the involvement of the main players in the world of architecture, engineering and Real Estate.

In addition to One to One meetings, Coiver Group made itself known through a Workshop entitled “From Concept To Reality. Transforming the idea of design into reality, without prejudices and limits." The objective was to bring our experience, making the audience reflect on the importance of the involvement of the company - and in particular of qualified operators in the construction of dry finishes - already in the design phase to overcome some of the foreseeable limits that usually do not allow the realization of a project as conceived by the Client and the Architect (quality, costs, execution times. Enrico Maria Di Bartolo (Coiver Group’s CEO), Alberto Veronelli (Coiver Contract's Technical Director) and Diego Costa (Ferlegno's Technical Director) spoke.

A great success for our Group which as a mission - in addition to expanding the geographical range of action of the General Contracting division on Rome, Florence, Bologna, Turin (and in general in secondary locations) in the offices and shopping centers asset classes - intends to consolidate its leadership role in the property redevelopment segment within the hotel property sector.

It is our intention to increasingly represent the know-how acquired in over 45 years of leadership in Italy to the world of real estate operators, attending events such as Perspective, trade fairs and advertising campaigns. In the next issue of The Plan, our Ferlegno (a Milanese company that has been producing partition walls since 1966) will be the protagonist and will present the new Air partition wall.

